Maryland Rye Region Major Ribbon - Choice of Majors

The Maryland Rye Region Major

There are 12 Classes in the Maryland Rye Region Major

(Student must take 8 Classes for Major Ribbon)

The Maryland Rye Region classes

Student must take 3 classes in the section below (203, 371, and 372)

1.) Rye Whiskey 203   (Course  #203)  

2.) Maryland Style Rye Whiskeys, (Course #371)

3.) Monongahela Style Rye Whiskeys, (Course #372)

4.) Bourbon Capital Region Rye Whiskeys, (Course #373)

5.) Bluegrass Region Rye Whiskeys, (Course #374)

6.) Whiskey Row Region Rye Whiskeys, (Course #375)

7.) Tennessee Rye Whiskeys (Course #359)

8.) M. G. P. Brand Rye Whiskeys, (Course #376)

9.) Other States’ Rye Whiskeys, (Course #377)

10.) Canadian Straight Rye Whiskys, (Course #366)

11.) Blended Whiskey Types  (Course  #378)  (The Difference between; Rye Blended Whiskeys, American Blended Whiskey, Straight Blended Whiskey & Light Whiskeys)

12.) High Rye Bourbons (Course #454)

Maryland Rye Region Major Ribbon - Choice of Majors

For Questions or Additional Information regarding The Maryland Rye Whiskey Major reach out to our Department Head:

T. W. Wright

For a link to Ross’s page click link below:

MDRR) The Maryland Rye Region – Department Head


1.) Professor T.W. Wright - Dept. Head

Note: Whiskey University will mail your physical Major Ribbon Rack one time during your career with W. U.. You may choose to have them mailed to you upon earning your 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th major. But it will only mailed to you one time. If you are interested in ordering Ribbons after Whiskey University has sent you your one set of Major Ribbons, go to this site: Major Ribbons


Maryland Rye Region Major Ribbon - Choice of Majors